Sport Psychology: New Publication

New publication on regulatory fit: "Regulatory focus in the interactive sports of badminton and volleyball: A closer look at task framing applications"

This publication stems from a collaboration between Mirko Wegner (Humboldt University of Berlin), the two graduate students Ramon Grätzer and Joël Egli from the University of Bern and Julia Schüler, who holds the chair of sport psychology at the University of Konstanz. In two experiments with volleyball and badminton players, we showed that athletic performance benefits from a fit between an athletes’ chronic regulatory focus (prevention vs. promotion focus) and instructions as provided by the situational framings of sports.

Full bibliographic information of the publication: Wegner, M., Grätzer, R., Egli, J., & Schüler, J. (in press). Regulatory focus in the interactive sports of badminton and volleyball: A closer look at task framing applicationsCanadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 51(2), 105-113. 

This research reflects our interest in the role of ‘person × social context’ for performance, well-being and health. Click here, if you want to learn more about this line of research.