Current news

Social and Health Sciences: New Publication in Annals of Behavioral Medicine

Age-varying Bi-directional Associations Between Momentary Affect and Movement Behaviors in Children: Evidence From a Multi-wave Ecological Momentary Assessment Study

In this paper, Martina Kanning - Chair of Social and Health Sciences, collaborated with researchers of the University of Southern California. The authors conducted a multi-wave ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study and investigated the acute time-varying associations between affect and movement behaviors among youth.


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New Publication in JMIR Research Protocols

This article is a collaborative work of Christina Niermann and researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of

Technology and University of Konstanz. The article describes the development of a theory-based and

evidence-based mHealth intervention – the SMARTFAMILY App.

The abstract of the article can be found below:

Social and Health Sciences: New Publication in JMIR mHealth and uHealth

Together with researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Christina Niermann and Martina Kanning, chair of Social and Health Sciences, examined whether social and environmental contextual information on sedentary behavior could be accurately assessed in everyday life using a sedentary triggerd ecological momentary assessment.

Social and Health Sciences: New Publication in BMC Public Health

Doing exercise or sport together with one’s child is positively associated with mothers’ momentary affect in daily life, but not with higher levels of overall physical activity

Together with researchers from the University of Southern California Martina Kanning, chair of Social and health Sciences, investigated whether spending time together with one’s child or the combination of spending time together and simultaneously doing exercise or sport together is associated with momentary affective…

Social and Health Sciences: New Publication in Journal of Family Studies

The article is a collaborative work of Christina Niermann and colleagues from Leipzig University (Alexandra Ziegeldorf, Hagen Wulff, Petra Wagner). We investigated how children and parents perceptions of parenting behaviors correspond and how these perceptions are related to individuals’ motivational factors and children’s physical activity.

Felix Arway joined the Social and Health Sciences Group and we warmly welcome him!

Felix Arway got his master’s degree in psychology in December 2019 at the University of Konstanz. His focus was on Health Psychology, where he also wrote his master’s thesis “Social Health Behavior. Is "social" healthier?” Now he is engaged in the research project “Familie+ -Zusammen gesund leben in Familie und Schule”

Social and Health Sciences: New Research Project funded by Federal Ministry of Health

“Familie+ - Zusammen gesund leben in Familie und Schule” is a project that focuses on the question how families could be reached and integrated in intervention programs in the context of preventing overweight and obesity in primary school aged children. The aim is to change energy-balance related behaviors (e.g. physical activity, sedentary behavior, dietary intake, and sleep) by using a participatory approach to develop, implement and evaluate behavior change strategies in schools and families.…