
Einladung zum Workshop "Sport und Inklusion" am 04.02.2018

Im Rahmen des Projektseminars "Sport und Inklusion in Theorie und Praxis" wurde ein Workshop zum inklusiven Sporttreiben erarbeitet. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen am 04. Februar von 10 bis 14 Uhr in der Universitätssporthalle gemeinsam inklusives Sporttreiben zu erleben und bekannte Sportarten auch einmal unter einer anderen Perspektive kennenzulernen.

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Training and Movement Science: New publication on neuroplasticity

The article "Neuroplasticity following short-term strength training occurs at supraspinal level and is specific for the trained Task" has been published in Acta Physiologica. It is known that training, including strength training, follows the specificity principle: "You get what you train for". Here, we observed that after 4 strength training sessions, the corticospinal excitability, but not the spinal excitability, was decreased, but only while performing the trained strength task and not while…


Ein Tanztheater nach William Shakespeare.

Training and Movement Science: New publication on inactivity

The article "How to prevent the detrimental effects of two months of bed-rest on muscle, bone and cardiovascular system: an RCT" was published in "Scientific Reports".

The study investigated the effects of a short intensive jump training program as a countermeasure to inactivity during two months of bedrest. The results show that the low-volume, high-intensity jump training protocol used in the study was very effective despite its very short duration (three minutes of exercise per training…