Verantwortlich für

  • Biomechanik
  • Sportwissenschaftliche Arbeitsmethoden (med.-naturwiss. Bereich)
  • Kampfsportarten, insbesondere der asiatischen Kampfkünste.
  • Studiengangsleiter für den Masterstudiengang „Sport Science - M.Sc.“

Raum D 629

Sprechstunde: Nach Vereinbarung. Anfragen bitte per E-Mail.

Tel.: +49 (0)7531 88-3565

1) Vorlesung Anatomie I+II (nur Klausur)

2) Proseminar Biomechanik

3) Hauptseminar Biomechanik

4) Vorlesung Sportwissenschaftliche Arbeitsmethoden I (nur Klausur)

5) Colloquium

6) Wahlseminar Praxis der neurologischen Rehabilitation

7) Project Seminar 1 (M.Sc.)

8) Seminar Research Methodology II (M.Sc.)

9) Wahlfach Taekwondo II

Lehr- und Forschungstätigkeit an der Universität Konstanz:

Seit 2007 Professor
Seit 2004 habilitiert
Seit 2001 Akademischer Oberrat
1993 – 2001 Akademischer Rat
1990 – 1993 wissenschaftlicher Angestellter



1987 – 1989 Abteilungsleiter bei der AEG Olympia AG in Konstanz
1985 – 1986 Projektleiter bei der Dräger AG in Lübeck


Lehr- und Forschungstätigkeit an der Universität Siegen:

1980 – 1985 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl Dahmen (theoretische Hochenergiephysik)
1976 – 1979 wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im FB Physik



2004 Habilitation an der Universität Konstanz mit der Venia Legendi „Sportwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Biomechanik“. Thema der schriftlichen Arbeit „Virtual Biomechanics and its Physics“.
1980 – 1985 Promotion mit Prüfung am 01.02.1985 innerhalb der theoretischen Hochenergiephysik mit dem Thema „Effekte der Vielgluonabstrahlung im Zweijetprozess der Elektron-Positron-Vernichtung“
1973 – 1979 Studium der Physik an der Universität Siegen mit Abschluss Diplom-Physiker (experimentell) am 20.12.1979 mit dem Thema „Untersuchungen an neuartigen Cerenkovmedien“.

Biomechanik des Taekwondo

Taekwondo WM 2005 (Foto: M. Kohlöffel)

Demnächst wird in den Räumlichkeiten des Taekwondo Competence Center (TCC) Friedrichshafen das Institut für Hochleistungssport und Bewegungsdiagnostik (IHB) tätig werden. In Zusammenarbeit mit der DTU und dem Bundestrainer Markus Kohlöffel werden wir zukünftig die wissenschaftliche Athletenbetreuung, speziell mit den Methoden aus Biomechanik und Physiologie bereitgestellt. 
Bisherige Aktivitäten bezogen sich auf die kinematografische Darstellung von Tritttechniken und die Entwicklung eines Messgerätes zur Koordinaten- und Geschwindigkeitsbestimmung von Angriffsbewegungen.

Taekwondo Competence Center (TCC)


Biomechanik der neurologischen Rehabilitation


In Zusammenarbeit mit den Kliniken Schmieder im Rahmen des Lurija-Institutes. Bisherige Aktivitäten bezogen sich auf die Analyse und quantitativen Bewertung von Alltagsbewegungen. Dies beinhaltete die Entwicklung eines Messgerätes zur Messung der Koordination und des Krafteinsatzes.

Kliniken Schmieder in Konstanz


Modellbildung und Computersimulation von Bewegungen

Spinkick mit Bodenreaktionskraft

Bisherige Aktivitäten bezogen sich auf die Entwicklung von Kraftaustausch-Modellen zwischen Avatoren und virtueller Umgebung, Energie- und Effizienzberechnung für unterschiedliche Sportarten und Bewegungen.

von M. Vieten entwickelte Software

nationale und internationale Mitgliedschaften:

Universität Konstanz:

  • Habilitationsausschuss (Geschichte, Soziologie, Sport- und Erziehungswissenschaft)


THE analysis TOOL.

Data Analysis - Numerical Mathematics - Visualization - Basic Statistics.  

You got the measurement data? StatFree helps you to find the appropriate analysis, creates a Procedure to automatize the analysis, runs and documents it!

You have an interest in mathematics? StatFree creates maps, graphs, attractors, fractals and more!   

You want to visualize your data? StatFree let you create expressive graphs in 2D and 3D!

You need to do some basic statistics (t-test, F-test, chi²-test, ANOVA, correlation, time series) and want a simple approach? StatFree does most of the work in one click!

The version 8


StatFree let you do

  • data management
  • measurement analysis
  • 24 build in functions
  • 4 Operators (numerical differentiation, numerical integration, iteration, Boolean relations)
  • 4 continues densities (Gauss, Student's t, Chi², F)
  • 2 discrete densities (binomial, Poisson)
  • 2 random number generators (normal distributed, uniform distributed)
  • equation editor that allows to combine all functions, operators, densities, random number generators, together with up to 999 variables into complex equations for numerical evaluation
  • two and three dimensional graphics
  • Fourier transform (FFT and inverse FFT)
  • residual analysis to calculate the optimal cutoff frequency for data filtering
  • data filtering (F³ filter)
  • spline approximation
  • wavelet transform (Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau wavelets - DWT and inverse DWT)
  • exploration of deterministic chaos
  • numerical solutions of differential equations e.g.
    • Simple harmonic motion
    • Damped pendulum
    • Duffing oscillator
    • Van der Pol equation
  • Calculation of (strange) attractors (chaos theory)
  • Calculating fractals
  • calculation of statistical measures (mean, sum, median, standard deviation, variance, standard error of mean, minimum, maximum, lower quantile, upper quantile, effect size)
  • t-test
  • F-test
  • Chi²-test
  • correlation
  • regression
  • time series

StatFree comes with example data sets (*.txt) and example equations (*.sfq), a context sensitive help file and tutorials.

StatFree is free for educational and non-commercial use. Otherwise please contact Manfred Vieten (Email:

This software runs on Windows-based systems. It is recommended to use a display with a resolution of 1280x1024 pixels or higher

Download the latest version StatFree8410-20160924. The installer will automatically install the 64 or 32 bit version depending on your Windows operation system.

What’s new?

StatFree version of 24.09.2016 - Transpose within the Procedure Creator included.

StatFree version of 19.06.2016 – The new command <Fix Cycle N | within the Procedure Creator interpolates the selected columns to have a fixed number of data lines. The command is particularly relevant for attractor analysis. The window for creating graphs of measurement data is enhanced. In addition the unwanted phase shift when iterating is removed.

StatFree version of 27.01.2016 – Merging of the two data sets vertically added.

StatFree version of 16.01.2016 - A function called log(Variable) is included. It returns the last number within the column of the specified Variable. From within the Procedure Operator selected or all log(Variable) values can be recorded.

StatFree version of 26.11.2015 - Two minor bugs (not updating header & wrongly added line feeds while loading an equation) within Function Analysis removed.

StatFree version of 14.11.2015 - Compiled for optimal use with Microsoft's Windows 10.

StatFree version of 03.10.2015 - The ACS (AutoCycle Setting) parameter can take values from 1 to 40, which is equivalent to the quantile setting in %. The old setting 1, 2, 3, 4 corresponds to 10, 20, 30, 40 of the new setting.

StatFree version of 20.09.2015 - The order to calculate substitutions changed to A9, A8, …, A1, A0. This can alter the way an equation with substitutions must be written.

StatFree version of 22.08.2015 - Includes the new functions 2D-AutoCycle and 3D-AutoCycle to calculate attractor attributes of cyclic processes automatically.

StatFree version of 05.10.2014 - The text sensitive help works for the 32 bit as well as for the 64 bit version of StatFree. There is just one file - StatFreeInstall.exe, which will install StatFree version 32 bit or 64 bit depending on your Windows operation system.

StatFree version of 26.09.2014 - The creation of the "empirical attractor" for cyclic 2D- and 3D-motion can be "Phase ordered" beside "Time ordered" as previously introduced. As a default the "Equation directory" can be set to be the "Working directory". 

StatFree version of 17.10.2013 - Newly included are the Procedures Creator (automatic progression builder), the Procedure Operator (automatized mass analysis tool), equation path setting, and the relative addressing. 

StatFree version beta of 21.04.2013 - available as 32 & 64 bit versions. The 64 bit version does not display context sensitive help (Sorry, this is caused by a compiler bug. Unfortunately, I can't do anything but wait for a bug fix myself).

StatFree version of 01.07.2012 – Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis / time-frequency interpretation re-defined.

StatFree version of 11.02.2012 – Indicator for undefined symbols or variables within the various equation editors included.

StatFree version of 06.02.2012 – Function to calculate an “empirical attractor” for a cyclic motion in 3D added. The function calculates the mean, the standard deviation, and the standard error for each component of a given cyclic track in 3D. Also, StatFree adjusts to the different DPI settings.

StatFree version (05.01.2012) - Technical upgrade, compiled for use with Windows 7 (32 bit). Substantial extension of Function Analysis (3 instead of 1 function, their derivatives, and integrals displayable) and Iterations can be performed to calculate (strange) attractors etc. New display and manipulation tools are integrated within Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis

StatFree version of 09.01.2011 – Major technical overhaul and new functionality. New window Function Analysis included. Simpler writing of expressions like exponents as (expression 1)^(expression 2), ln() etc. Compiled for Window 7 but does work with Windows XP and Vista as well.

StatFree version of 11.10.2010 – tF interpolation let you increase or decrease your data rate (frequency). The new procedure uses a cubic spline. It allows to approximate your data set of a given sampling rate to be displayed at an (in principle) arbitrary frequency.

StatFree version of 03.01.2010 – New saving options (background saving, automatic end session saving), UNDO option, and enhanced measurement visualization (Median, Quantile, Min/Max).

StatFree version of 11.11.2009 – Effect Size within Basic Statistics added.

StatFree version of 05.11.2009 – New function Multiplexing[m,n] added, which allows to disentangle multiplexed data.

StatFree version of 27.10.2009 – New layout for easier navigation. Included is a Control Window with popup menu and shortcut buttons.

StatFree version of 05.04.2009 – Function delay[n]() included, which takes the input from a variable n lines before or, if n is negative after the actual value. Help file and tutorial extended.

StatFree version of 20.03.2009 – Substitutions within the Iteration operator are allowed and a newly created variable can be included within an equation, which triggers an iteration without explicitly writing an iteration operator.

StatFree version of 15.03.2009 – New extended features for correlation analysis added.

StatFree version of 04.01.2009 – Extensive data management inclusive data export included.

StatFree version of 20.12.2008 – ANOVA - On-Way, Two-Way, and Two-Way with interaction included.

StatFree version of 12.10.2008 – Equation generator able to process variable names alternatively to the variable numbering.

StatFree version of 03.10.2008 – Graph Editor (import – formatting – export) integrated.

StatFree version of 02.10.2008 – FFT spectrum re-normalized to be in accordance with Parseval’s theorem.

StatFree version of 28.09.2008 – Error Function – erf(x) – and logarithm of the Gamma Function – lnGam(x) – added.

StatFree version of 28.08.2008 – Rebuild with an updated compiler (Windows Vista compatibility).

StatFree version of 27.10.2007 – Same functionality as of version but does run on Windows Vista as well and includes an internet update functionality.

StatFree version of 20.03.2007 – Comprehensive graphics manipulation for 2 and 3D graphs as well as correlation and time series windows included.

StatFree version of 06.03.2007 – Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis included.

StatFree version of 01.03.2007 – Residual analysis for calculating the optimal cutoff frequency for data filtering included.

StatFree version of 27.02.2007 – Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau - CDF(m,n) - wavelets transforms included.

StatFree version of 16.09.2006 – The newly included functions – Enl(x) and Cut(x) – let you enlarge and cut a data set for use with FFT and iFFT. The setting of Case Numbering and Variable Numbering within the two Data Editors is stored within the StatFree.ini file, so that the chosen options remain till the next setting.

StatFree version of 27.08.2006 – The newly included function – Spline(x) – let you approximate missing data (empty fields) by generating a cubic spline.

StatFree version of 13.08.2006 – Utility to transpose the data sets included.

StatFree version of 08.08.2006 – Extended functionality of the “If then” utility.

StatFree version of 23.07.2006 – A new function to do the inverse Fourier transform is included as well as a function that calculates the characteristic of a cyclic motion by evaluating the normalized amplitudes for the system’s base frequency and its higher harmonics.

StatFree version of 18.05.2006 – A Fourier transform can be initiated from within any of the two grids. Depending on the options set additional columns displaying frequency [Hz], real part of the transform, imaginary part of the transform, absolute of the transform and/or phase angle are added. Instead of the logistic equation a function calculating the trend line is included. The logistic equation might be calculated using the equation generator. The tutorials don’t show up separately since they are integrated within the help file.

StatFree version of 19.02.2006 – Equation builder included and a field for equation names to each graphic window. The equation builder is an additional window that can be opened separately. It can be zoomed and therefore has the capacity to host huge equations and offers ten fields for substitutions.

StatFree version of 04.02.2006 – Implementation of the “If operator”.

StatFree version of 24.11.2005 – Equation generator and additional graphic options included.

First programming code generated October 2002.

Version numbering scheme:

A: Version, B: major upgrade, C: minor upgrade, D: compilation after bug removal – issued: yyyy: year, mm: month, dd: day.

For Bug Report send an email to

Trouble Shooting 

If StatFree opens with an error message and closes immediately you need to erase the StatFree.ini file in the program directory (it is located in ...\VietenDynamics\StatFree or in another directory depending on your settings). Afterward, StatFree opens with the initial settings.

If after a longer calculation the Add Variable(s) window does not close, save the data, and start the application newly.

If a whole graphic screen (2D-graphs or 3D-graphs) appears in one (line) color, switch back the Line Width to a number between 1 and 9.

StatFree does adjust to your PC's DPI setting (Dot Per Inch). However, if you experience distortion of the elements of the various windows change the DPI to 100%. You can adjusted the DPI parameter within Window's System Control display setting.