Selected presentations

Talks given in Germany

02/2016, Dortmund

Zur prozessorientierten Beurteilung motorischer Fertigkeiten im Kindesalter (on the process-based evaluation of motor skills in children) Die deutschsprachige Adaptation des Test of Gross Motor Development 3 (TGMD 3) (the German adaptation of the Test of Gross Motor Development 3)

01/2016, Konstanz

Determinanten der Aufrechterhaltung gesundheitsförderlicher Aktivitäten im Erwachsenenalter (determinants of continuing healthy activities throughout adulthood) Verhaltenstheorien im empirischen Modellvergleich (a comparison of behavioural theories in empirical models)

11/2015, Karlsruhe

Umschriebene Entwicklungsstörung motorischer Funktionen – Diagnose, Klinik und Epidemiologie (describing developmental dysfunctions of motor functions - diagnosis, clinical treatment and epidemiology)

11/2015, Karlsruhe

Welchen Beitrag kann Bewegung zur Gesundheitserziehung von Kindern und Jugendlichen leisten? (How can exercise contribute to the health education of children and adolescents?)

06/2014, Heidelberg

Frühdiagnostik motorischer Funktionen (early diagnosis of motor functions)

Talks given abroad

07/2015, Toulouse

Elaboration of the Environmental Stress Hypothesis: Results from a population-based 6-year follow-up

06/2015, Portland/Oregon

Reliability and validity of the Test of Gross Motor Development 3 (German adaptation)

06/2014, Minneapolis/Minnesota

Determinants of gross motor skill performance in children with visual impairments

04/2013, Charlotte/North Carolina

Peer problems mediate the relationship between Developmental Coordination Disorder and behavioral problems in school-aged children

04/2012, Boston/Massachusetts

Motor Development Curriculum – Children with visual impairments