Fitness coach B-licence

Advanced seminar in ”Trainingslehre” (training theory)

Grade: 4.0 or above (sufficient)

For more information (in German), please contact the following sports association:

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Track and field coach C-licence

Basic subject track and field

Subject of specialization track and field 

Documentation must be sent to the state association

of having worked in a sports club and achieving a grade of at least 2.0 (good)

For more information (in German), please contact the following sports association:

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Cycling coach C-licence

Basic subject cycling

Subject of specialization cycling

Authorisation to take part in a weekend examination

by an examiner from the sports association

Sample teaching unit and written exam

Grade of at least 2.0 (good) in the area of specialisation

For more information (in German), please contact the following sports association:

Swimming coach C-licence (“Leistungssport”) Children/youth profile

Basic subject swimming

Subject of specialization swimming


graduation with a grade of at least 2.0 (good)

Documentation of a valid

Wettkampfrichter-Schwimmen-Lizenz (licence to act as a swimming competition judge),

documentation of a DLRG Rettungsschwimmabzeichen (a German lifeguard certificate) at the

silver level,

documentation of completing a first aid course,

sample teaching unit in Steinbach,

membership in a sports club

For more information (in German), please contact the following sports association:

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Trampoline coach C-licence

Basic subject trampoline and

Subject of specialization trampoline 

A grade of at least 2.5 (good)

6 training units in a shadowing or assistant coach role at a school or university sports group

Creating a sample teaching unit on a specific element or jump (sports association requirement)

For more information (in German), please contact the following sports association:

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